Knitting, Olive Oil, and Travels from the Beltway

Knitting, olive oil, recipes, house projects, and good books can all be found here.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Stone Wall!

After a busy weekend not-at-home, but variously at a Girl Scouts event, three Field Hockey events, a Bar Mitzvah (it was lovely, Rachel!), one hotel stay, and a birthday party, I raised the shades this morning to look out and see a stone wall!

Most recent read: Robin Cook's Crisis. The first hundred pages were boring, then I couldn't put it down. I still haven't put all the clues togheter and would love to share thoughts with someone else who read it....but alas, I am not in a book club. And if I were, would this be a serious (enough) book?

CURE in Kabul

A quick project for Cure Hospital in Kabul with afghans4Afghans.

No Smiles?

Ah, off to a Sweet Sixteen Party -- and there's another next week! If only she'd smile!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Knitters Wine Tote -- Is this Useful?

I visited a Wine Show this past weekend to determine if it would have been a good show for Olio2go to be at (sadly, "no"). It didn't seem to be a gourmet olive oil crowd! I did find this cute wine bottle tote bag. I can't possibly think of an occasion when I would need a 6-bottle wine tote, but this holds promise for a knitting sports mom (that's a term in need of a definition!) The dividers could well keep separate a couple of bottles of water, a small snack, and small knitting projects such as socks or mittens.

The bag holds a twisted hank of Ballybrae, and the Finished Object: The Farrow Rib Scarf in Classic Elite Wool Bam Boo yarn. I haven't blocked the scarf yet because today is Valentine's Day and I need a flash of Red. A special thanks to Claudia for a great pattern and scarf idea. I particularly like this pattern because it could also be well suited to a gentleman's scarf. I must get back to updating my knitting log so the details can be found when needed again!

Reading Adventures: I finished Adriana Trigiani's Home to Big Stone Gap. The beginning was familiar in the sense that I kept asking myself if I had read this book before or if the deja vu sensation was from being familiar with the characters in her prior books. It took until the mid-point of the book before I realized that I hadn't read this book before. I've now read everything except her cookbook, Cooking with My Sisters.

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Saturday, February 02, 2008

What was I thinking?

On the striped sofa is a striped vest, and on the striped vest is the red Ballybrae all-over cabled vest, WIP.
The striped vest fits well, but has slightly too much ease. The red cabled vest, I fear, is too small. It's been a pick-up/put-down project since July. I've counted and I've twisted cables 186 times thus far!
This was knit in one piece to the underarms. If you look closely, the two vest fronts are about an inch apart. Even with banding, I think it will be too small.
Then I studied the pattern again. My gauge didn't loosen as it usually does. I guess all those cables kept it tight. I don't think it will loosen with blocking.
Rather than rip out right away. I found another set of needles, larger this time, and started again. Some time in the next couple of weeks, I'll have the nerve to rip this out. After I knit it to the armholes again. Wish me luck!

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Friday, February 01, 2008

Colonial Day

It's 4th grade Colonial Day!
Such a day filled with crafts, musical performances, dancing (The Virginia Reel), and all the traditions of the times.
The muslin dress has a very long pedigree. My bridemaids may remember it as their "fitting" dress back in 1984! This year, I finally added a zipper, purchased the apron fabric from a discount table, made the apron, and trimmed the sleeves. The bonnet probably came from one of our many trips to Williamsburg.
The most fun is when other parents ask if I'll save it so their daughters can wear it in the years to come!

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