Knitting, Olive Oil, and Travels from the Beltway

Knitting, olive oil, recipes, house projects, and good books can all be found here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Too Busy to Write

The porch is well under construction. I should post pictures for the memories. The lacrosse season ended last night. We'll follow Varsity through the championship games.

Recent readings: Jeans, A Cultural History of an American icon, by James Sullivan--a fast informative read. It brought back memories of the 70s and the explosion of jeans in my generation.

A quick novel: London is the Best City in America by Laura Dave. Very enjoyable, light reading about couples not making it to the altar.

Next up: Donna Leon's newest: Suffer the Little Children. Ohh, good. I get to go back to Venice tonight!

Great new recipe: Rocket Pasta! While rigatoni cooks, begin to saute one clove of garlic in 2T olive oil in large sautee plan. Finely chop arugula (5 oz bag) and 2-3 tomatoes (separately). Remove garlic, stir in tomatoes. Just before draining pasta, add arugula to tomatoes. Drain pasta, stir into arugula (rocket) and tomatoes.