Like the millions who plan beach weeks each year, someone must consider the meals and pack the food. Of course, we packed good olive oil. We began the trip with a 200 ml bottle of
Getsemani Grand Cru from
Olio2go. We went though that bottle quickly, and found a market with a small selection of Italian olive oils. We purchased
Sant'agata d'Oneglio, also in a 200 ml bottle. Sadly, upon arriving back at the beach house, I realized it didn't have a best-by date. Let's say, it didn't taste fresh. It was quickly moved from a salad and dipping oil, to one to be used for sauteeing fish. Blackened fish. (I like blackened fish; I'm just not very choosy about the oil used for the pan). Eventually, on another of our daily trips to Kroger, we purchased a 500 ml bottle of Lucini. It was fine. Next beach week: we'll pack a 500 ml bottle of something good like Gourmet Sardinia Fruttato Intenso or Titone DOP. We're going to a cabin in a couple of's time to pack more olive oil.