Knitting, Olive Oil, and Travels from the Beltway

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Decidedly Not Authentic, but....

I can't remember popcorn in Italy, but apparently it exists! (If I'd had this blog when we traveled to Ireland, I'm sure there'd be an entry about our search for pretzels -- found only on Aer Lingus.)

Yesterday's email load included Kirk Leins', Everyday Gourmet issue on Regional Sandwiches. In the issue he had a review of new products he'd tasted ("Quality Junk Food"!) and he mentioned Orville Redenbachers' Natural Popcorn, Salt and Cracked Pepper.

I thought about this all day, and when at home again, I made a batch of popcorn (virgin, no chemicals, no bags) in the microwave, and then drizzled it with Olio2go's Tenuta di Capezzana and dusted it with cracked pepper and sea salt. Snacked on the porch, while the neighbor gardened and it was an astounding delight!
You can request Kirk Liens' Everyday Gourmet by sending an email to:


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