Chilly Spring
This has been the coolest spring that I can recall since we moved to Northern Virginia in the Fall of 1996. It has also been very cool at lax games. We've watched most while dressed in ski jackets. Last week's game against Westfield was warmer than most. Carly has her knee wrapping in this picture. (Yes, this sport is lacrosse, and the knee injury was from field hockey).
At least it was sunny yesterday, so I was able to sit on the porch (after work, after school, after Girl Scouts, before soccer) and not get up until I finished Jodi Picoult's Change of Heart. I found that the book opened fairly slowly, but as I read more, I wanted to accelerate through it. Now it is Tom's turn to read it.
Speaking of Tom, he made an interesting observation last evening. Carly's bedroom floor is covered with clothes and towels, while Katie's is covered with books. That speaks volumes!
I'm now about 20 pages into a book called "In Sicily" and am waiting to see how interesting it might be. If only I could resume knitting with the same dedication as reading. Right now I am only knitting snatches during lacrosse games.
The Spring and Summer activities are booking up quickly with camps for lax and field hockey, girl scout camping, driver ed "Behind the Wheel", and that nagging feeling that we should start college tours! And, there are forms to be completed...for physicals, pool passes, camp registration -- a whole folder full!
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