Knitting, Olive Oil, and Travels from the Beltway

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Notes from a Former Early Adopter

Last week, Linda reminded me that it’s been quite some time since this blog has been updated. In the closing month of school I found myself involved in the coordination of or attendance at -- an import of Italian extra virgin olive oil (eight labels from seven producers) for Olio2go, a girls lacrosse team that went to the state finals, a Girl Scout trip to HersheyPark, a significant field hockey event known as College Connection, a Care Calendar for another family, a soccer tournament, end of season, and the preparation for the next soccer season, a birthday party, and an unfinished task of trying to get an elementary school bus stop off a 55 mph divided highway. (Does that meet the test of a sane adult?)

In the midst of all of this, on June 12, the Digital TV signal conversion took place. We knew it was coming (even in February) but never made it a priority. We’re really not in the dark. There are two other TVs and a computer running the Microsoft Media package—all on cable. It’s just the bedroom TV that lost the signal previously perceived by cute rabbit ears. Call me nostalgic, but this is the TV that carried me through months of pregnancy bedrest with just five channels. To think, I was once an early adopter.

As I now listen to the radio in the morning, I’m enjoying the fresh chatter. No longer the Barbara Harrison (
NBC4) variety. WMAL doesn’t bring forth the same bleak daily intensity of shootings.

Perhaps by fall when the mornings are darker and the school schedules have returned, we’ll have a resolution on the TV. Black, silver, or white. Flat screen. Wall mount or stand. Cable or not.

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